Many people have annoying scars. Scars can occur when the skin is damaged by an accident or a surgical procedure. You can contact the Van Canneyt Clinic for both cosmetic and functional scar removal. Scars can become hypertrophied. They become red, thick and irritating. Enormous advances have been made in scar removal techniques over the last few years.
We have a wide experience in the treatment of burn scars. Dr. Van Canneyt has treated the majority of the burn scars in the burns centre in Neder-Over-Heembeek for more than 10 years. Burn scars usually cause a lot of problems: functional problems, aesthetic problems and above all psychological problems ! Plastic surgery can help for most of these problems using techniques for scar removal.
Dr. Van Canneyt has a many years’ experience in the treatment and removal of scars. Do not hesitate to contact the Van Canneyt Clinic for your questions about scar surgery.